Thursday, December 1, 2011

SEXY in 2012 part II

I am in the process of getting things in gear for the new year. Not so much with resolutions but more like refining my lifestyle everyday. Living my life the way I want to live it for the new year and the rest of my life. This of course includes revamping the and getting Date Night Shopping up and running. There is lots to do but it is so much fun I just wish I had more hours in the day. I got so inspired by this gorgeous sparkly seqin/ satin DKNY dress, which could be a fabulous dress for either date night or NEW YEARS EVE. Speaking of which I am anticipating some exciting NEW YEARS EVE happenings so I know that 2012 has so many wonderful things instore for me. I CAN FEEL IT! I hope everyone is as ready to party as I am.Stay tuned for more fabulous dresses!

1 comment:

  1. Here we come 2012!!!! Refining and redefining our lives to live them to the fullest and finding our true selves and true path!!!! I'm ready because I'm tired of the humdrum and watching the show...I want to experience it first hand!!
